
Welcome to www.janenein2013.com! This is a new website established in memory of Janene Martha Murray (1959-2007) in order to foster a social justice movement to one who departed on May 14, 2007, still yearning for the manifestation of a world based on three core values:
1) share your true self with others, not the mask;
2) include ALL in your circle; and,
3) to the different only love and acceptance emanate.

This website will feature a space for the posting of humorous, loving stories that foster creation of a world based on these core values. It will also feature a space where people can connect and support each other in bringing about the world she envisioned.

To learn more about the person in whose memory this website has been established, please see the Memorial Poem.

Visit again soon, and then again and again to foster the “janenein2013” social justice movement.